Nautinfra® takes critical risk identification to the next level

by Solvere

Solvere’s solution for critical element detection and management in infrastructure systems now has more geographical data power and greater interoperability.

Two years ago, Solvere brought to market the Nautinfra® solution: a decision support system that helps our Clients detect and manage critical elements in their infrastructure asset businesses. Nautinfra® allows you to better understand where the limit is in the risk-return binomial and what factors might trigger critical situations for your business.

Complexity, simplified

Infrastructure businesses are highly complex systems with dynamics and dependencies that cannot be captured by conventional risk analysis. We help your organization understand and frame systemic risks, through innovative techniques such as cognitive mapping -in collaboration with University of Manchester Business School- and 2-level iterative screening.

Our tool also includes consistency checks to account for data gaps and bias in the assessment and decision-making processes.

Nautinfra® is a combination of consulting services and decision-support information systems, specifically developed by Solvere to address difficult but critical issues such as:

  • How to approach long-term uncertainty in an increasingly complex risk landscape.
  • What are the critical factors in assets and organizations for business continuity?
  • What role do human factors and data gaps play in critical infrastructure failure, and how can you manage them to improve the resilience of your business?

During the last months we have continuously built new features and functionalities into the tool, including new geographical data streams and greater interoperability with the main industry standards.

Geographical data selected and curated for detection and aggregation of critical risks

Nautinfra® feeds on sets of data verified by our infrastructure experts. The application collects and cross-checks relevant geographic data for the assessment of exposure to threats, vulnerabilities and potential losses, among others:

  • Natural hazards
  • Malicious acts
  • Cyber attacks
  • Industrial accidents
  • Legal / institutional environment
  • Crossings and dependencies with other infrastructures
  • Protected areas
  • Public opinion
  • Flow intensities
  • Backup alternatives in case of service breakdown

We take leadership and rigour extremely seriously, future-proofing the value of the solutions we provide our Clients, through innovation. Solvere has recently joined Icebreaker One, an initiative in which we are founding members and collaborators to develop an open standard of climate risk data for sustainable financing.

Integrate to transform

Interoperability with any information system guarantees flexibility and power. It also allows you to dedicate resources to your business risks, not to converting formats or solving IT incompatibilities.

Our analytical framework and decision-support tools are designed for full interoperability with your ERP, ERM or Asset Management systems, no matter the format or level of sophistication.

Silo-thinking and friction between people and processes are critical vulnerabilities of business continuity. Nautinfra® is built on open standards that facilitate self-reinforcing collaboration, facilitating sharing and reporting of critical information.

Our solution provides results that are directly applicable to ESG reporting. As an example, 36 of the 136 criteria of the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) standard and 22 of the 64 GRESB sustainability indicators are directly related to Nautinfra® outputs. Our analysis therefore allows you to:

  • Substantiate and refine non-financial reporting
  • Strengthen your standards of transparency and benchmarking
  • Unlock communication between technical and risk departments

Download a Nautinfra brochure here, or contact us at to request more information and learn how to make your business more resilient.